SPARQL examples
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Towns that served as county capital in the 16th century
#title:Towns that served as county capital in the 16th century
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate
?item wdt:P81 ?ahp_id .
?item p:P63 ?statement .
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?item p:P79 ?statement1.
?statement1 pq:P40 ?pointintime1 .
?statement1 (ps:P79/(wdt:P56*)) wd:Q99. # stolica powiatu
FILTER(YEAR(?pointintime) = 1600 && YEAR(?pointintime1) = 1600)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Human settlements that were places of the local assembly in the 16th century
#title:Human settlements that were places of the local assembly in the 16th century
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate
?item wdt:P81 ?ahp_id .
?item p:P63 ?statement .
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?item p:P79 ?statement1.
?statement1 pq:P40 ?pointintime1 .
?statement1 (ps:P79/(wdt:P56*)) wd:Q91. # places of the local assembly
FILTER(YEAR(?pointintime) = 1600 && YEAR(?pointintime1) = 1600)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Human settlements that were towns in the 16th century and are now villages
#title:Human settlements that were towns in the 16th century and are now villages
SELECT ?settlement ?settlementLabel ?coordinate16thCentury WHERE {
# Warunek dla miejscowości
?settlement wdt:P27 wd:Q175698.
# It was a town in the 16th century
?settlement p:P62 ?cityStatement.
?cityStatement ps:P62 wd:Q622;
pq:P40 ?pointInTime16thCentury.
FILTER(YEAR(?pointInTime16thCentury) > 1500 && YEAR(?pointInTime16thCentury) <= 1600)
# it is a village in the year 2022
?settlement p:P62 ?villageStatement.
?villageStatement ps:P62 wd:Q653;
pq:P40 ?pointInTime2022.
FILTER(YEAR(?pointInTime2022) = 2022)
# geographical coordinates from the 16th century
?settlement p:P63 ?coordStatement.
?coordStatement ps:P63 ?coordinate16thCentury;
pq:P40 ?coordTime.
FILTER(YEAR(?coordTime) > 1500 && YEAR(?coordTime) <= 1600)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Human settlements that existed in the 16th century but do not exist today
#title:Human settlements that existed in the 16th century but do not exist today
SELECT ?settlement ?settlementLabel ?settlementDescription ?coordinate16thCentury WHERE {
# Condition for elements that are human settlements
?settlement wdt:P27 wd:Q175698.
# Filter for a description containing the text ‘historic settlement’
?settlement schema:description ?settlementDescription.
FILTER(CONTAINS(LCASE(?settlementDescription), "osada historyczna"))
# geographical coordinates from the 16th century
?settlement p:P63 ?coordStatement.
?coordStatement ps:P63 ?coordinate16thCentury;
pq:P40 ?coordTime.
FILTER(YEAR(?coordTime) > 1500 && YEAR(?coordTime) <= 1600)
# Service for labels and descriptions in the indicated language
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],pl". }
People born in the 16th century
#title:People born in the 16th century
SELECT DISTINCT ?human ?humanLabel (YEAR(?date_of_birth) AS ?year) WHERE {
?human wdt:P27 wd:Q5.
?human wdt:P11 ?date_of_birth.
FILTER (YEAR(?date_of_birth) >= 1500 && YEAR(?date_of_birth) < 1601)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY ?date_of_birth
List of long-lived persons
#title:Persons with known date of birth and death who have lived beyond 90 years
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?age
?item wdt:P27 wd:Q5 .
?item p:P11/psv:P11 ?birth_date_node .
?item p:P12/psv:P12 ?death_date_node .
?birth_date_node wikibase:timeValue ?birth_date.
?death_date_node wikibase:timeValue ?death_date.
?birth_date_node wikibase:timePrecision ?birth_precision.
?death_date_node wikibase:timePrecision ?death_precision.
BIND( YEAR(?death_date) - YEAR(?birth_date) -
IF(MONTH(?death_date)<MONTH(?birth_date) ||
(MONTH(?death_date)=MONTH(?birth_date) && DAY(?death_date)<DAY(?birth_date)),1,0) AS ?age )
FILTER(?age > 90 && ?birth_precision >= 9 && ?death_precision >= 9).
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Persons living in the 16th century - born, deceased or active during this period
#title:Persons living in the 16th century - born, deceased or active during this period
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
?item wdt:P27 wd:Q5.
?item wdt:P11 ?birthdate.
?item wdt:P12 ?deathdate.
((?birthdate >= "1501-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) && (?birthdate <= "1600-12-31T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime))
((?deathdate >= "1501-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) && (?deathdate <= "1600-12-31T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime))
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }}
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
?item wdt:P27 wd:Q5.
?item wdt:P87 ?fluorit.
FILTER ((?fluorit >= "+1501-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) && (?fluorit <= "+1600-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime))
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }}
ORDER BY ?itemLabel
Human settlements that were cities in the 16th century
#title:Human settlements that were cities in the 16th century
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate
?item wdt:P81 ?ahp_id .
?item p:P63 ?statement .
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime .
?item p:P62 ?statement1.
?statement1 pq:P40 ?pointintime1 .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?statement1 (ps:P62/(wdt:P56*)) wd:Q622.
FILTER(YEAR(?pointintime) = 1600 && YEAR(?pointintime1) = 1600)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Human settlements that were monarchically owned in the 16th century
#title:Human settlements that were monarchically owned in the 16th century
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate
?item wdt:P81 ?ahp_id .
?item p:P63 ?statement .
?item p:P134 ?statement1.
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime .
?statement1 pq:P40 ?pointintime1 .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?statement1 (ps:P134/(wdt:P56*)) wd:Q64. # Q64 - własność monarsza, Q63 - duchowna, Q65 - mieszczańska, Q66 - szlachecka
FILTER(YEAR(?pointintime) = 1600)
FILTER(YEAR(?pointintime1) = 1600)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Human settlements by property type in the 16th century
#title:Human settlements by property type in the 16th century
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate ?layer
?item wdt:P81 ?ahp_id .
?item p:P63 ?statement .
?item p:P134 ?statement1.
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime .
?statement1 pq:P40 ?pointintime1 .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?statement1 (ps:P134/(wdt:P56*)) ?typ
# Q64 - royal property, Q63 - ecclesiastical property, Q65 - townsmen property, Q66 - noble property
IF(?typ = wd:Q64, "royal",
IF(?typ = wd:Q63, "ecclesiastical",
IF(?typ = wd:Q65, "townsmen",
IF(?typ = wd:Q66, "noble",
AS ?layer).
FILTER(YEAR(?pointintime) = 1600)
FILTER(YEAR(?pointintime1) = 1600)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate ?layer
Summary of the number of people born in each century
#title:Summary of the number of people born in each century
SELECT ?centuryRoman (COUNT(*) AS ?count)
?person wdt:P27 wd:Q5;
wdt:P11 ?birthDate .
# Calculation of centenary based on year of birth
BIND(CEIL((YEAR(?birthDate) - 1) / 100) AS ?century)
IF(?century = 10, "X",
IF(?century = 11, "XI",
IF(?century = 12, "XII",
IF(?century = 13, "XIII",
IF(?century = 14, "XIV",
IF(?century = 15, "XV",
IF(?century = 16, "XVI",
IF(?century = 17, "XVII",
IF(?century = 18, "XVIII",
IF(?century = 19, "XIX",
IF(?century = 20, "XX",
""))))))))))) AS ?centuryRoman).
# filtering out incorrect data
FILTER(?century >= 10 && ?century < 21)
GROUP BY ?centuryRoman
ORDER BY ?count
Persons with the surname Sobieski born in the 16th and 17th centuries
#title:Persons with the surname Sobieski born in the 16th and 17th centuries
SELECT DISTINCT ?person (MAX(?deathDate) as ?ddate) (MAX(?birthDate) as ?bdate) (MAX(?personLabel) as ?label) WHERE {
# Condition for persons
?person wdt:P27 wd:Q5.
?person rdfs:label ?personLabel.
# Collection of date of birth
?person p:P11 ?birthStatement.
?birthStatement ps:P11 ?birthDate.
# Collection of date of death
?person p:P12 ?deathStatement.
?deathStatement ps:P12 ?deathDate.
# date of birth filtering - range 1501-1700 and surname ‘Sobieski’ in the label
FILTER(CONTAINS(LCASE(?personLabel), "sobieski") && ?birthDate >= "1501-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime && ?birthDate <= "1700-12-31T23:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTime)
} GROUP BY ?person
ORDER BY ?personLabel
Renaming of human settlements between the 16th century and the present (monarchical ownership only)
#title:Renaming of human settlements between the 16th century and the present (monarchical ownership only)
SELECT ?place ?currentName ?historicNames ?coordinate ?layer
IF ( CONTAINS(LCASE(CONCAT(?historicNames,",")), LCASE(CONCAT(?currentName, ","))), "continuation of", "change") AS ?layer ).
SELECT ?place ?currentName ?coordinate (GROUP_CONCAT(?historicName; separator=",") AS ?historicNames)
?place wdt:P27 wd:Q175698;
rdfs:label ?currentName.
?place wdt:P134 wd:Q64.
?place p:P63 ?statement .
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime_coord .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?place p:P54 ?historicNameStatement .
?historicNameStatement ps:P54 ?historicName;
pq:P40 ?pointInTime16thCentury.
# Filter for a description containing the text ‘historic settlement’
?place schema:description ?settlementDescription.
FILTER(LANG(?settlementDescription) = "pl") # Description in Polish
FILTER(!STRSTARTS(?settlementDescription, "osada historyczna"))
FILTER(LANG(?currentName) = "pl" && YEAR(?pointInTime16thCentury) = 1600 && YEAR(?pointintime_coord) = 1600)
GROUP BY ?place ?currentName ?coordinate
Distances between the location of settlements in the 16th century and today (in km)
#title:Distances between the location of settlements in the 16th century and today (in km)
SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?placeLabel ?distance
SELECT ?place ?placeLabel ?coord1 ?coord2 (geof:distance(?coord1, ?coord2) AS ?distance)
?place wdt:P27 wd:Q175698;
p:P63 ?statement1, ?statement2.
?statement1 ps:P63 ?coord1.
?statement2 ps:P63 ?coord2.
FILTER(?statement1 != ?statement2)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY DESC (?distance)
Villages named: Wólka or Dąbrowa in the 16th century
#title:Villages named: Wólka or Dąbrowa in the 16th century
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate ?historicNames ?layer
IF(CONTAINS(?historicNames, "Wólka"), "Wólka",
IF(CONTAINS(?historicNames, "Dąbrowa"), "Dąbrowa",
AS ?layer).
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate (GROUP_CONCAT(?historicName; separator=",") AS ?historicNames)
?item wdt:P81 ?ahp_id .
?item p:P63 ?statement .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime .
?item p:P54 ?historicNameStatement .
?historicNameStatement ps:P54 ?historicName;
pq:P40 ?pointInTime16thCentury.
FILTER( YEAR(?pointintime) = 1600 && YEAR(?pointInTime16thCentury) = 1600 && (CONTAINS(?historicName, "Wólka") || CONTAINS(?historicName, "Dąbrowa")))
GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate ?historicName
FILTER(?layer = "Wólka" || ?layer = "Dąbrowa")
Occurrence of names: Stara Wieś and Nowa Wieś in the 16th century
#title:Occurrence of names: Stara Wieś and Nowa Wieś in the 16th century
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate ?historicNames ?layer
IF(CONTAINS(?historicNames, "Nowa Wieś"), "Nowa Wieś",
IF(CONTAINS(?historicNames, "Stara Wieś"), "Stara Wieś",
AS ?layer).
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate (GROUP_CONCAT(?historicName; separator=",") AS ?historicNames)
?item wdt:P81 ?ahp_id .
?item p:P63 ?statement .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime .
?item p:P54 ?historicNameStatement .
?historicNameStatement ps:P54 ?historicName;
pq:P40 ?pointInTime16thCentury.
FILTER( YEAR(?pointintime) = 1600 && YEAR(?pointInTime16thCentury) = 1600 && (CONTAINS(?historicName, "Nowa Wieś") || CONTAINS(?historicName, "Stara Wieś")))
GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate ?historicName
FILTER(?layer = "Nowa Wieś" || ?layer = "Stara Wieś")
Human settlements (usually a village) which forms a so-called neighbourhood in 16 century
#title:Human settlements (usually a village) which forms a so-called neighbourhood in 16 century
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?ahp_id ?coordinate
?item wdt:P81 ?ahp_id .
?item p:P63 ?statement .
?statement ps:P63 ?coordinate .
?statement pq:P40 ?pointintime .
?item wdt:P84 ?okolica
FILTER( YEAR(?pointintime) = 1600)
Catholic archdeaconates, deaneries and parishes in the 16th century
#title:Catholic archdeaconates, deaneries and parishes in the 16th century
SELECT ?archidiakonat ?archidiakonatLabel ?dekanat ?dekanatLabel ?parafia ?parafiaLabel
# Finding of archdeaconries
?archidiakonat wdt:P27 wd:Q722 .
# Finding of deaneries that are part of archdeaconries
?dekanat wdt:P27 wd:Q719 ;
wdt:P37 ?archidiakonat .
# Finding parishes that are part of deaneries
?parafia wdt:P27 wd:Q714 ;
wdt:P37 ?dekanat .
# Pobranie etykiet
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],pl". }
ORDER BY ?archidiakonatLabel ?dekanatLabel ?parafiaLabel