Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795) (Q587): Difference between revisions

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Changed [pl] description: system administracyjny obejmujący terytorium Małopolski i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego
(24 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
label / enlabel / en
Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795)
label / pllabel / pl
Kościół kalwiński w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów
Kościół kalwiński w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów (1560-1795)
description / endescription / en
Lesser Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
administrative system covering the territory of Lesser Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
description / pldescription / pl
Małopolska i Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
system administracyjny obejmujący terytorium Małopolski i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego
Property / Wikidata item identifier: Q7209974 / reference
Property / ends atProperty / ends at
Precision1 year
Precision1 year
Property / ends at: 1795 / reference
Property / instance of: administrative system / reference
Property / starts at: 1560Gregorian / reference
Property / subclass of
Property / subclass of: religious administrative system / rank
Normal rank
Property / subclass of: religious administrative system / reference
Property / described by source
Property / described by source: Ewangelicy polscy i litewscy w epoce saskiej (1696-1763). Sytuacja prawna, organizacja i stosunki międzywyznaniowe (Kriegseisen W.) / rank
Normal rank
Property / described by source: Ewangelicy polscy i litewscy w epoce saskiej (1696-1763). Sytuacja prawna, organizacja i stosunki międzywyznaniowe (Kriegseisen W.) / reference
Property / described by source
Property / described by source: Kancelarie i dokumenty Kościołów protestanckich w XVI-XVIII wieku (Ptaszyński M.) / rank
Normal rank
Property / described by source: Kancelarie i dokumenty Kościołów protestanckich w XVI-XVIII wieku (Ptaszyński M.) / reference
Property / described by source
Property / described by source: Bracia czescy w Wielkopolsce w XVI i XVII wieku (Dworzaczkowa J.) / rank
Normal rank
Property / described by source: Bracia czescy w Wielkopolsce w XVI i XVII wieku (Dworzaczkowa J.) / reference
Property / described by source
Property / described by source: Ustroje kościołów ewangelicko-reformowanych w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku (Bem K.) / rank
Normal rank
Property / described by source: Ustroje kościołów ewangelicko-reformowanych w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku (Bem K.) / qualifier
Property / described by source: Ustroje kościołów ewangelicko-reformowanych w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku (Bem K.) / qualifier
volume: 57
Property / described by source: Ustroje kościołów ewangelicko-reformowanych w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku (Bem K.) / qualifier
page(s): 123–153
Property / described by source: Ustroje kościołów ewangelicko-reformowanych w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku (Bem K.) / qualifier
publication date: 2013
Precision1 year
Property / described by source: Ustroje kościołów ewangelicko-reformowanych w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku (Bem K.) / reference
Property / described by source
Property / described by source: Bracia czescy a kalwini w Rzeczypospolitej. Połowa XVI - połowa XVII wieku. Studium porównawcze (Gmiterek H.) / rank
Normal rank
Property / described by source: Bracia czescy a kalwini w Rzeczypospolitej. Połowa XVI - połowa XVII wieku. Studium porównawcze (Gmiterek H.) / reference
Property / described by source
Property / described by source: Kościoły ewangelickie na Kresach Wschodnich (Alabrudzińska E.) / rank
Normal rank
Property / described by source: Kościoły ewangelickie na Kresach Wschodnich (Alabrudzińska E.) / reference
Property / described by source
Property / described by source: Litewska jednota ewangelicko-reformowana od połowy XVII w. do 1939 r. (Kosman M.) / rank
Normal rank
Property / described by source: Litewska jednota ewangelicko-reformowana od połowy XVII w. do 1939 r. (Kosman M.) / reference
Property / rite
Property / rite: Evangelical Reformed rite / rank
Normal rank
Property / rite: Evangelical Reformed rite / reference
Property / religion
Property / religion: Christian religion / rank
Normal rank
Property / religion: Christian religion / reference
Property / Dariah.lab ID
Property / Dariah.lab ID: 20.500.12973/587 / rank
Normal rank
Property / contains administrative unit type
Property / contains administrative unit type: parish (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795)) / rank
Normal rank
Property / contains administrative unit type: parish (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795)) / reference
Property / contains administrative unit type
Property / contains administrative unit type: district (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795)) / rank
Normal rank
Property / contains administrative unit type: district (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795)) / reference
Property / contains administrative unit type
Property / contains administrative unit type: Union (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795)) / rank
Normal rank
Property / contains administrative unit type: Union (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795)) / reference
Property / administrative system type
Property / administrative system type: religious administrative system / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 13:32, 29 November 2024

administrative system covering the territory of Lesser Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
  • Evangelical Reformed Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Language Label Description Also known as
Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1560-1795)
administrative system covering the territory of Lesser Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
  • Evangelical Reformed Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth


Kościół ewangelicko-reformowany w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów (polski)
1 reference
Evangelical Reformed Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (English)
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
