(24 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown) |
label / en | label / en |
| The State of the Teutonic Order (1226-1525) | | The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525) |
label / pl | label / pl |
| Państwo Krzyżackie (1226-1525) | | Państwo Krzyżackie (1233-1525) |
description / en | description / en |
| the territory of the Order's state, covers the present areas of northern Poland (Pomerania, Warmia and Masuria) | | administrative system covering the territory of the Order's state, which includes the present areas of northern Poland (Pomerania, Warmia and Masuria) |
description / pl | description / pl |
| terytorium państwa zakonnego, obejmuje obecne obszary północnej Polski (Pomorze, Warmia i Mazury) | | system administracyjny obejmujący terytorium państwa zakonnego, w skład którego wchodzą obecne obszary północnej Polski (Pomorze, Warmia i Mazury) |
| Property / ends at: 1525Gregorian / reference |
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| Property / instance of: administrative system / reference |
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| Property / starts at: 1233Gregorian / reference |
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| Property / described by source |
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| Property / described by source: Władztwo Polski w Prusiech Zakonnych i Książęcych (1454-1657). Wybór źródeł (Vetulani A.) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / described by source: Władztwo Polski w Prusiech Zakonnych i Książęcych (1454-1657). Wybór źródeł (Vetulani A.) / reference |
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| Property / described by source |
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| Property / described by source: Struktura administracyjna i własnościowa Pomorza Gdańskiego pod rządami zakonu krzyżackiego w latach 1309-1454 (Grzegorz M.) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / described by source: Struktura administracyjna i własnościowa Pomorza Gdańskiego pod rządami zakonu krzyżackiego w latach 1309-1454 (Grzegorz M.) / reference |
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| Property / described by source |
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| Property / described by source: Dzieje zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach. Gospodarka, społeczeństwo, państwo, ideologia (Biskup M., Labuda G.) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / described by source: Dzieje zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach. Gospodarka, społeczeństwo, państwo, ideologia (Biskup M., Labuda G.) / reference |
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| Property / described by source |
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| Property / described by source: Zakon krzyżacki w Prusach i Inflantach. Podziały administracyjne i kościelne w XIII-XVI wieku (Czaja R., Radzimiński A.) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / described by source: Zakon krzyżacki w Prusach i Inflantach. Podziały administracyjne i kościelne w XIII-XVI wieku (Czaja R., Radzimiński A.) / reference |
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| Property / described by source |
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| Property / described by source: Die Kirche im Deutschordensstaat in Preussen (1243-1525). Organisation, Ausstattung, Rechtsprechung, Geistlichkeit, Gläubige (Radzimiński A.) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / described by source: Die Kirche im Deutschordensstaat in Preussen (1243-1525). Organisation, Ausstattung, Rechtsprechung, Geistlichkeit, Gläubige (Radzimiński A.) / reference |
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| Property / described by source |
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| Property / described by source: Biskupstwa państwa krzyżackiego w Prusach XIII-XV wieku. Z dziejów organizacji kościelnej i duchowieństwa (Radzimiński A.) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / described by source: Biskupstwa państwa krzyżackiego w Prusach XIII-XV wieku. Z dziejów organizacji kościelnej i duchowieństwa (Radzimiński A.) / reference |
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| Property / OntoHGIS ID |
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| Property / OntoHGIS ID: onto.kul.pl/ontohgis/administrative_system_25 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Dariah.lab ID |
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| Property / Dariah.lab ID: 20.500.12973/581 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / contains administrative unit type |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type: bailiwick (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / contains administrative unit type: bailiwick (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / reference |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type: bailiwick (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / contains administrative unit type: bailiwick (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / reference |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type |
| | |
| Property / contains administrative unit type: pfleger's dominion (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / contains administrative unit type: pfleger's dominion (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / reference |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type: commandery (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / contains administrative unit type: commandery (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / reference |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type: commandery (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / contains administrative unit type: commandery (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / reference |
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| Property / contains administrative unit type |
| | |
| Property / contains administrative unit type: chapter lands (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / contains administrative unit type: chapter lands (The State of the Teutonic Order (1233-1525)) / reference |
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| Property / administrative system type |
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| Property / administrative system type: secular administrative system / rank |
| | Normal rank |